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President EIM Asia | 是EIM亚洲区总裁

Brigitte Wolff is the President at EIM Asia based in China, including Hong Kong. She is responsible for serving our customers in Greater China, and ASEAN. Brigitte holds a Diploma in Engineering from the TU Munich (Diplom-Ingenieur) and has a proven history in management consulting and executive positions in renowned companies in Europe and Greater China.
Brigitte Wolff是EIM亚洲区总裁,亚洲区总部设在中国,包括香港。她主要负责为大中华区和东盟的客户提供服务。Brigitte拥有德国慕尼黑工业大学的工程硕士文凭,并在欧洲和大中华区的知名职业中担任过管理咨询和行政管理职位。 Brigitte在中国有超过20多年的工作和生活经验,曾担任过各种行政和非行政职位。毋庸置疑,Brigitte是一位中国通,她了解这里的市场,文化和人们,并有着丰富的资源网络,可以为客户提供更多优势。
Brigitte Wolff is the President at EIM Asia based in China, including Hong Kong. She is responsible for serving our customers in Greater China, and ASEAN. Brigitte holds a Diploma in Engineering from the TU Munich (Diplom-Ingenieur) and has a proven history in management consulting and executive positions in renowned companies in Europe and Greater China.
Brigitte Wolff是EIM亚洲区总裁,亚洲区总部设在中国,包括香港。她主要负责为大中华区和东盟的客户提供服务。Brigitte拥有德国慕尼黑工业大学的工程硕士文凭,并在欧洲和大中华区的知名职业中担任过管理咨询和行政管理职位。 Brigitte在中国有超过20多年的工作和生活经验,曾担任过各种行政和非行政职位。毋庸置疑,Brigitte是一位中国通,她了解这里的市场,文化和人们,并有着丰富的资源网络,可以为客户提供更多优势。
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