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Multinational corporations dealing with intercultural teams

If your enterprise spans across multiple countries, you are in the enviable position where you can truly change the world.


Probably all large companies are constantly facing one key question: how is it possible to stay on top of innovations and quickly adapt to the ever-changing economy in different areas of the world, while at the same time maintaining one unified corporate identity to leverage R&D budgets and the bundling of internal resources?



We know this question from own experience as an international firm.


When change becomes an international affair

Change management is always challenging. For international corporations, this challenge can easily be multiplied with the number of markets, languages and cultures involved.



Enjoy a cosmopolitan

There are some of the naturally developing obstacles that every multinational corporation is struggling with when localizing global service and solutions. Even though it might not be possible to prevent resistances and friction from evolving altogether, it’s a great idea to launch initiatives and install managers with the objective to shake things up a bit, thus shedding light on the blind spots, and create links between business units as well as local offices and the headquarters.



global mindset, local actions

Interim Managers from the global EIM Community are best suited and predetermined to work in the role of truly cosmopolitan managers, since working in many different countries and in collaboration with a colorful mix of cultures is what initially motivated many of them to choose this career and provider.

来自全球EIM团队的临时经理人最适合且注定要担任真正国际化的经理人角色,因为在不同的国家工作,与丰富多彩的文化进行合作,是促使他们中许多人选择此职业,投身这类企业的最初原因 。

Consequently, not only are they acquainted with different cultures, but throughout their various experiences they become culturally self-aware. This gives them the luxury of maintaining a global mindset – ready to be translated into local actions from the get-go.

因此,他们不仅熟悉不同的文化,而且由于各种经历,他们在文化上更具自我意识。 这使得他们既可以保持全球化的思维模式,又可以准备好随时将其应用于本地的工作。

At EIM, it’s not our mission to bring change or connect the world, but to drive profitable result.


think global, act local

Interim Managers from the global EIM Community are best suited and predetermined to work in the role of truly cosmopolitan managers, since working in many different countries and in collaboration with a colorful mix of cultures is what initially motivated many of them to choose this career and provider.

来自全球EIM团队的临时经理人最适合且注定要担任真正国际化的经理人角色,因为在不同的国家工作,与丰富多彩的文化进行合作,是促使他们中许多人选择此职业,投身这类企业的最初原因 。

Consequently, not only are they acquainted with different cultures, but throughout their various experiences they become culturally self-aware. This gives them the luxury of maintaining a global mindset – ready to be translated into local actions from the get-go.

因此,他们不仅熟悉不同的文化,而且由于各种经历,他们在文化上更具自我意识。 这使得他们既可以保持全球化的思维模式,又可以准备好随时将其应用于本地的工作。

At EIM, it’s not our mission to bring change or connect the world, but to drive profitable result.


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