How we add value
EIM Project Methodology
Over 30 years EIM has proven the effectiveness of our project management process, working in close collaboration with the client and supporting the interim manager to resolve the transition challenges facing the business and ultimately add value to the business.
Rapid response
We initially aim to identify a local interim manager with the right credentials. If necessary, we extend the search nationally and internationally. Within days, the right individual or team is in place to implement change decisively, after a rapid assessment of current business conditions.
of interim mandate projects are filled
of permanent mandate projects are filled
of goals set are achieved - on time and within budget
is the average number of days within EIM delivers suitable profiles
A co-operation for excellence
The successful completion of our 10,000 assignments is based on EIM’s unique project management methodology. This revolves around a three-way collaboration between the client, the interim manager and a senior EIM Partner.
EIM Partners are senior executives with line management experience and practical consulting knowledge, who take overall responsibility for the transformation projects.
Working in partnership with the client, the partner quickly establishes an understanding of the situation, and draws up recommendations for appropriate actions to improve it. Our search for the right interim manager starts immediately after this stage.
Lasting results
The EIM Partners remain in charge of the assignments. Followig the EIM Project Methodology, they continually assess progress, voice an unbiased point of view and, when necessary, bring additional skills and/or knowledge into play from our global network.
This collaborative approach with continuous reviews ensures that we remain flexible enough to react quickly to any change of course imposed by developing needs or new requirements. Any additional resources necessary can then be called up from our pool of managerial resources.
Towards the end of the assignment, the EIM Partner develops, in collaboration with the client and the manager, a handover plan for the new permanent management team, to ensure a lasting continuation of the successful result achieved.

How we add value
The EIM Project Methodology
A co-operation for excellence
The successful completion of our 10,000 assignments is based on EIM’s unique project management methodology. This revolves around a three-way collaboration between the client, the interim manager and a senior EIM Partner.
EIM Partners are senior executives with line management experience and practical consulting knowledge, who take overall responsibility for the transformation projects.
Working in partnership with the client, the partner quickly establishes an understanding of the situation, and draws up recommendations for appropriate actions to improve it. Our search for the right interim manager starts immediately after this stage.
Lasting results
The EIM Partners remain in charge of the assignments. Following the EIM Project Methodology, they continually assess progress, voice an unbiased point of view and, when necessary, bring additional skills and/or knowledge into play from our global network.
This collaborative approach with continuous reviews ensures that we remain flexible enough to react quickly to any change of course imposed by developing needs or new requirements. Any additional resources necessary can then be called up from our pool of managerial resources.
Towards the end of the assignment, the EIM Partner develops, in collaboration with the client and the manager, a handover plan for the new permanent management team, to ensure a lasting continuation of the successful result achieved.
The EIM Approach

- Predetermined objectives
- Understanding the challenge
- Resource availability
- Support
- Trust
EIM Executive
- Operational responsibility
- Relevant experience
- Action plan
- Leadership and implementation
- Planned handover for future results
EIM Partner
- Project setup
- Clarity and consistency of objectives
- Coaching and counselling
- Continuous assessment
- Objective independent viewpoint
- Closure
Our company philosophy is based on equal partnership. This means that every EIM employee promotes the international development of the company and will use his skills and competence around the world. Through our partnership we have approach to 25 international offices in the major continents thereby enabling our company to handle the needs of national as well as international clients. EIM can thus optimize its performance for every project and, if necessary, put the expertise of it’s entire partnership organisation at the client’s disposal.
The EIM Partner is responsible for the coaching of the interim manager and is a trustworthy, capable point of contact for the interim manager as well as the client. EIM Partner utilizes his broad industry experience resulting from many years of working in senior management and consulting roles. This gives the client real added value which is complemented by an ever-expanding wealth of experience in the project management of interim mandates.
EIM is exceptionally thorough and honest in its selection of an interim manager. High quality is the top-most priority in the performance of the interim management task. All EIM interim managers have exceptionally extensive management experience, think and act within operational and pragmatic parameters and, from their very first day on the job, work in full collaboration with the client.
Alongside the quality of our work, trust is one of our most important principles. Our clients share their most difficult, sensitive and confidential issues with us. EIM meets this level of trust with a high degree of professionalism and acts according to clear, ethical principles. We are a trustworthy partner to our clients and build long and lasting business relationships.
A comprehensive discussion between the client and EIM Partner will outline the initial situation which led the client to seek an interim management solution. This discussion will also define the ideal profile of the ideal interim manager and answer the basic questions :
1. What do you aim to achieve by employing a manager?
2. Which issues do we want to address by doing this?
3. What kind of positioning gives us the best possible outcome?
4. What must the manager bring to the table to be successful?
EIM carries out a systematic search in the strictest confidence for the ideal manager within the EIM interim manager’s network. After reviewing their career, training, experience and expert knowledge, number of eligible candidates are selected and approached by EIM Partner. To confirm the match with the target profile and availability, in-depth face-to-face interviews are held with the available candidates. The interim managers who appear to be the best match for the client’s specifications are selected.
Each candidate together with a detailed assessment of his competencies and achieved results is personally presented for the selection process. In general, an EIM interim manager is overqualified for the task he is asked to carry out. This enables him to take on his role and rapidly integrate into the company structure capably and confidently. Our managers are used to adapting quickly to a client’s specific cultural and organizational conditions. Because they are independent and autonomous and have no previous connections or pressures within the client’s organization, they are best placed to carry out the job efficiently.
As a rule, the interim manager will be able to start work a few days after the decision has been made. At the beginning of the deployment, the client, the interim manager and EIM Partner work out a concept and basic task specification to clearly establish the extent and type of tasks to be carried out.
Together with the interim manager end-goals and milestones are established. A project plan with relevant milestones planning is presented and agreed.
During the project the EIM Partner is directly involved in the interim manager’s work and inputs his experience and specific expertise to ensure the project’s successful outcome, including possible intervention, escalation or troubleshooting.
Alongside the project’s progress, regular review meetings will discuss whether particular obstacles or barriers may also need to be removed to achieve the desired project outcome or whether general conditions in the market or competition have changed which may require an adjustment to the project’s course. If necessary, active support can be called up in the form of expert opinions from within the EIM network.
Towards the end of the assignment, the EIM Partner develops, in collaboration with you and the manager, a handover plan for the new permanent management team.
Having a deep understanding of your business and requirements we identify and select the right permanent executives to take over and ensure a lasting continuation of the successful results achieved.
Let’s talk about the EIM Project Methodology and Value Creation together
EIM Executive Interim Management CEE
Together we can find the solution you are looking for
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